Hands free garbage binsHands free garbage bins

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Hands free garbage bins

I'm a bit finicky about touching garbage bins because of the germs and bacteria. I don't like having to touch the handles, particularly if my hands are gross from a leaking garbage bag. That means that the next time I touched the handles, I'd get germs and muck on my fingers. If you are also a bit finicky about touching garbage bins you'll like my blog. It has some ideas on hands-free garbage bins that you can buy from many homeware stores and reviews on which ones are the easiest to use when you have your hands full of garbage bins.

The Sin in Your Bin: 3 Liquids You Shouldn't Dispose of in Your Skip Bin

Dealing with household waste in your home can be overwhelming without an efficient and safe bin. Most people throw any waste in their house in the bin without finding out if it could be recycled. Throwing everything into the bin isn't a good way to keep your home clean and safe. You need to know what shouldn't go in it. Though the bins will help you get rid of clutter in your home, they also come with some practical and legal restrictions. You can throw solid waste such as tiles, glass tiles, glass window panes, roofing materials, clay and pottery, garden waste and soil, wood, mixed metals, paper products, sofas and beds, cardboard, demolition waste, non-electrical fittings and solidified paint into the bin. But what liquids shouldn't be in the skip bin?

Old Paint and Unwanted Paint Tins

Most people throw the old or unwanted paint in the bin when clearing out their building or house just to de-clutter the place. They forget that old paint in the tins contains lead that can damage the environment and cause serious health problems to their family. The paint also contains toxic substances (volatile organic compounds) such as formaldehyde and xylene. You don't damage your brain and other vital organs only when you get exposed to a high lead dose in your house — but also when exposed to small lead doses for a long time. Contact a skip bin provider or your local council to know how you would dispose of the old paint instead of throwing it to the bin.


Water seems harmless while in the skip bin, but it shouldn't be there. Though you don't throw water bottles or containers in the bin, water can still get to the bin in different ways. For instance, don't throw water-soaked materials like old clothing or cardboard in the bin since they will increase the bin's weight. Keep the bin covered to keep off rainwater. Although the bin may have a drain underneath, debris and grass may clog it, causing it to retain more water.

Old or Discarded Oil

Oil from your car or from your kitchen shouldn't find its way into the bin. Oil catches fire quickly and having it in a bin increases fire risks. Oil containers including those with a few oil drops are a fire hazard, and so you shouldn't throw them in the bin, especially during the hot season. Look for a reliable oil disposal facility in your area if you have some cooking oil or engine oil to dispose of but don't place it in the bin. Also, keep away those old rags with oil from the bin to avoid fire risks.

You now know the liquids that shouldn't get to the skip bin you are about to hire. Disposing of these liquids in a bin is a serious mistake. Liquids in a bin don't just make the place look messy but also put your health at risk.

Contact a skip bin service to learn more.